Friday, February 28, 2014

QuickWrite: 2/28/14

i just transferred in this class , but i feel i would grade myself between a 2 and 3. I'm just merging and getting an understanding of what is going on and what is expected from me in the class. I still need to complete assignments & get the necessary assignments completed to get my grade up.

Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Quick write:

If I Could change myself as a student I would try my hardest to stop Being a procrastinator. I would also develop better study skills. I would push myself beyond my normal limits, and have better courage and not give up so easily when I might fail at something.


I haven't finished reading "The Mindset" but based on what i have read I am very interested in continuing to read it. " everyone has a role model, someone who pointed the way at a critical moment in their lives" that line stood out to me the most. I have experienced a lot of bad situations and there was always that one person who stood by me to help me & guide me through.