Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Better Late than Sorry

Okay I Know I'm Kind of Late on Introducing myself but here goes. My name is Ebony Hibbert. Im a Taurus born on May 10, 1995 which makes me 18 years Old. I'm very stubborn and many people find it hard to get through to me because I can get extremely difficult at times, but thats okay because I dont care. One positive trait about me is that im very ambitious. I have so many goals and dreams that i want to achieve. I have my entire life planned out, its just a matter of me pushing myself to complete & do the necessary things that needs to get done. I plan on focusing this semester in order to get goo grades. Doing this will not only give me a good grade in class but it will also help me graduate this coming June :)

1 comment:

  1. Very nice except for your hard-headedness. Please be mindful of your capitalization.
